About the Mad Hattress

Hello world, nice to meet you!
You came here because you wanted to know more about me right? I guess I’ll introduce myself then^^
I choose my nickname because it’s very fitting 😉 I like wearing hats and I guess I can be mad sometimes too 😛 Also, the Alice in Wonderland stories were always one of my favourite as a child, I own maaaany editions of them and I love mostly everything that has come out of it until now. I am more a fan of the Tim Burton Movies than of the old Disney classic though.
The Picture you see here is my Avatar from the wonderful App Slowly. It’s one of those apps that tried to connect people all over the world and succeeded in a great way! It also manages to make something old modern again, but still staying true to its original concept: writing letters. It might sound like I am paid to say that, but I am just amazed at how well they did it! I actually tried out different apps like bottled for example, but none of them got me interested as long as Slowly did over the past few years. If you want to know more about it, you should check out my Slowly Story!
Writing with other people and writing, in general, was always a passion of mine, maybe that’s why Slowly seemed perfectly tailored for me. But I also like to write on real paper with quill pens and ink, doing Calligraphy from time to time. Makes good greeting cards 😛
A dream of mine would come true if one day, people won’t only get to read my cards but also be able to buy my stories as real books in the stores. I don’t mean autobiographic stories, those can be read here I guess xD No, I also write fictional stories, urban fantasy ones to be precise. I began writing them on a very boring vacation, but that’s a story for another time 😉
What else could I talk about… maybe my Taste in Music? I am into Indiestuff like Bastille, Imagine Dragons, and The Score. But I also create Music myself on my YouTube Channel! It’s called Mad Hattress Nightcore if you want to take a look at it 😉 I began doing that in 2020 when the pandemic hit and people had to find hobbies that can be done at home^^ I always liked to listen to Nightcore Songs, often I even find the Nightcore Versions better that the Originals xD But sometimes, there were instances where I would search for a Nightcore Version, but could not find it. So now I try to make those Versions myself!
I think that’s enough for now, if you want to get to know me better, you can read my other blog posts or ask me questions on my FAQ Page^^ I hope you are alright and have a great day or night, depending on when you read this 😛
Greetings and good wishes
The Mad Hattress