A Review on the Concept of Mystery Boxes

Maybe you already know the concept of a “Mystery Box” but in Germany, they are not as common, at least not as a cool idea. We know mystery boxes mostly as a way for shops to get rid of the stuff that is broken somehow or does not sell well. So you would get some items for a lower price, but they would also most likely be trash xD But on Etsy, for example, the shops will have a themed box, maybe showing you some of the contents, giving you a glimpse of what you might be getting, or not. But they don’t just pack the broken items in their shops, some might even be buying stuff just for you, or they at least give you some of the good stuff 😉 I have bought some of these boxes and want to share the experience with you, enjoy! I also made an extra post to some of the boxes, if you want to read it, just click on the link^^
Blind Date with a Book
I actually bought two book-themed boxes from the shop CoffeeAcademia on Etsy, one for me and one for my husband. I got a box with a well-loved(used) book and I only choose the genre to be magical realism and to get hot chocolate as a drink. My husband chose to get 3 randomly chosen books from the Penguin Black Classics edition. And here is what we got:

My book was “In an absent dream” by Seanan McGuire and my husband got a poetry book, a letter novel, and a normal novel. We were very lucky because the books matched our taste very well! We both got different bookmarks and postcards in a vintage style, porcelain cups, different mixes, and teabags for making beverages and scented candles. Everything was individually and beautifully wrapped, so the experience and the mystery did not stop after opening the package, which I really loved. All in all, I was really surprised and happy with the box and I can really recommend it^^

Papergang is the name of a subscription box from the UK that can be delivered monthly. You can’t choose any of the contents, but they work with a new artist every month to design exclusive stationery items such as pens, notebooks, and greeting cards. I did sign up for a subscription this year and already got my Januarys box. But I also bought the leftover of an old box they had(the box of October 2020), so that will be the one on review today:

It contained lots of cool things like a full letter set with designed paper to write on and enough envelopes to send some letters to your friends. They also put two fully designed greeting cards with extra envelopes, if you have a special occasion^^ Also included were 3 different stamps with an ink pad and some washi tape with the moon phases on it. Last but not least there was a sweet little notebook and a calendar sheet for a month, but there is not October written on it so I can still use it, despite the box being outdated already, which I really appreciate!! It was the best box I got so far and I loved everything about it^^

Funny Mystery Box from OhhDeer
OhDeer is the same company from the UK which make the Papergang boxes and when I searched through their shop I saw that they had a normal mystery box too. But there was no glimpse of the contents what so ever, the description only said that it might contain stuff to make you giggle. So I went totally blind on this one and here’s what I got:

The contains left me pretty disappointed not only because just a few items were actually fitting my own taste but also because the box was said the be worth 80€ and I just did not see that. I did even calculate how much the worth exactly was by looking through their website again and finding all the prices and it did not even reach the 80€. The contents were pencils with funny quotes on them, a Fight Club inspired soap bar, two enamel pins, a fragrance spray(against farts :P), a thin A4 notebook, two prints, and a photo frame that is made to look like a comic strip with speech bubbles to write on.

My final verdict on my first mystery boxes
Well, I guess my haul has shown the many different sites of the concept of mystery boxes. There are the ones that let you choose what you get, those are the ones that guarantee some kind of success because, in the end, you will definitely get something according to your taste. If not, you might end up with a B**B pin and lame prints 😛 On the other hand, you could also get gems like an anti-fart spray which you might have never bought for yourself xD For me, mystery boxes are a great way to gift yourself and get nice surprises from time to time. And in a crisis like a pandemic where we can’t go out much and have many thoughts troubling our mind, a positive surprise like this can cheer us up^^ So I will be looking forward to my Papergang boxes for 2021 and the Blind Date with a Book Box really put a smile on my face, I will definitely get one again in the future!
Greetings and good wishes
The Mad Hattress