About Crystals and Magic
Hello, people of Wonderland, and welcome back to a story post of mine^^ With this post I don’t want to be informative since I am no expert on the field, but I want to tell you about the experiences I made. So keep that in mind when reading it, I am a mere beginner, if so at all xD But I am very interested in all of that, so I wanted to tell you about my research and findings!

Since I was a child I had an affinity with stones. I liked to collect them especially when they were shiny or smooth, take them with me as souvenirs from trips, or just keep them around to fiddle with them in my hands. They always seemed to make me calmer or happier for no reason or at least no apparent reason that I could think of. Lately, I have been down because of many stressful things happening in my life and my mother bought me a stone necklace, which is completely unrelated, she did not do it because I was sad, but because she likes to gift me pretty things. Anyways this stone necklace sparked my interest in stones again because while wearing it, I actually felt better and I loved playing around with the pendant above my chest.
I started thinking about rock tumbling, which is the craft of making smooth rocks for jewelry or decoration purposes. But that’s a bit complicated because you need several fairly expensive things and at best have a cella or porch where you can let your rocks tumble so they don’t disturb yourself or your neighbors. Unfortunately, I don’t have both at the moment so I discarded the thought of taking it on as a hobby for now. But I still couldn’t get rocks out of my head and I started researching about the properties many nature-based believes such as Wicca and Pagan ascribe to them. They say they can be used for healing, cleansing an area, or protecting it. Even though when they talk about it, they refer to them as crystals, which sound so better much better than rocks, so that’s what I will be calling them mostly too from here on 😛
Of course, it’s totally normal to be skeptical at first and think: “How can some rocks or crystals or whatever you want to call them, aid me in my daily life?” and I think it’s totally valid to be asking questions like this. I consider myself a rational atheist person, so I normally don’t believe in stuff that isn’t proven, but I always had this spiritual side to me too and this thought of: “Why shouldn’t there be some magic in this world?”. Maybe that’s why I like to write about it in my stories too xD And since I am an open person in general, I thought I should at least try it out and see if some crystals can bring a positive change to my life, no matter how small it might be.
On this topic, I also want to talk about a psychological effect called a self-fulfilling prophecy. I am sure you have heard of it before since it’s also used in books and movies sometimes 😉 Basically, the effect describes that when a person thinks something will happen hard and long enough, it actually can happen. Of course, you can’t wish for a puppy and magically get it, but some thoughts can trigger actual physical or mental reactions from your body. Most of them are sadly bad reactions like panic attacks, becoming sick, or having a false pregnancy just to name a few. But they can have positive reactions too, for example, the same way they can trigger a panic attack they can also stop it or you can literally talk some positivity or bravery into yourself if you need it. So coming back to the topic of crystals even though they might not have a positive effect on people’s lives which could be proven scientifically, it is very well possible that it still has that effect on some people.
So with all of that said, the best-case scenario would be that these stones actually help me feel better or more balanced in life, either because of an actual nature-based energy effect or because of a self-fulfilling prophecy. Worst case scenario would be, that those crystals would really just be shiny stones, but then I could still use them for a cool decoration of my home or even as references when I am drawing! So basically I can’t really go wrong here, that’s why I looked for some stones and their meaning on the internet and bought some to try them out! If you stuck with me till this part of the post, I guess you are at least somewhat interested in the topic, so I will tell you now which stones I bought and what effects they are supposed to have, enjoy! And a quick note: As I am writing this article non of the crystals have arrived yet, which is why I am using the pictures from the Etsy shops(all rights go to them!) and tell you about the stuff I have researched. I can’t tell you about the actual effects yet, but I might write a second post after some time 😉 Let me know if you would be interested in it!

The first thing I got was actually not even “just a crystal” it’s actually a magic wand made out of glass and clear crystals 😛 Now I know what you might think, but hear me out first xD A magic wand is actually used in some wiccan and pagan practices, but not in the way you would think from seeing movies and reading books 😛 So there are no flames or light supposed to come out of it, when you use the right spell, they are more used in rituals to focus your own energy and lead them to objects you do your rituals with, kinda like a conductor. There are also supposed to help with sending negative energy away from your body. And they can come in many different shapes and sizes such as full carving out of a crystal or being made out of a tree twig. Some can be bought in shops, but technically you could also make your own out of things you find in nature that you are somewhat intrigued by. Now I am not crafty when it comes to woodcarving and stuff and as I mentioned before, I am intrigued by crystals, so when I saw this wand, I really wanted to get it and try it out 😛 If you want to know more about the topic of wands, I can recommend one of the videos I have watched on Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JLKA9ECQ-vc (Enchanted Endeavours Ep. 14 by Harmony Nice).

The second item I got is one of these raw turmaline crystals, you might have seen them used in jewelry before, but in the refined version where they can actually shine in different colors. I have to say from the picture they remind me of coal a bit, but I am mesmerized but the deep black color of them too. Like most black crystals those are said to be very good at getting rid of negative energy, protect you from new negative energy, and thus are one of the most powerful protection stones out there. Some of the people I came across on my research actually advise having one of them by your side at all times(if you believe in that of course, no pressure). They are also said to make the user be more aware of certain developments and processes in their lives, which makes them able to control them better, which actually sounds perfect for a little control freak like me xD

The third item I got is a rose quartz pendulum, again something which has a second practical purpose aside from the energy effects. Of course, you have seen or heard about pendulums before too, they are mostly used for deviation and radiesthesia. Now we have another one of these beliefs VS science dilemmas because of course, actually predicting the future is highly unlikely. But you can see this pendulum more as a way to understand what you want subconsciously instead.
There are kinda two ways I have learned about how to do that, one easy and one a bit more complicated way xD The easy way is basically just to asking the pendulum a question and then thinking about what you want the answer to be. Of course, technically you would not need a pendulum for that, but I guess it can help some people. The other way has to do with meditating. Basically, you try to let your subconsciousness send small waves through your nerves that get the pendulum to swing a certain way. The goal here is not to just swing it consciously yourself, but to let your subconscious mind take over a bit. I have not tried it yet, so I don’t know if it will work, but maybe I can tell you in the future 😉
The crystal used to make the pendulum is rose quartz, maybe the most popular one of these crystals to be used in Jewelry, so I am sure you have seen it before! It’s said to be the most popular healing stone too, which is also why it’s used often in these face rollers to make a headache go away for example. It’s also said to be the stone of love and might connect you or be of help in love rituals 😉

Next up is a selenite heart, which I want to use as a palm stone. A palm stone is basically a smooth crystal specifically used for fiddling around with. Selenite seems to be perfect for that since it’s said to calm the mind and help with hyperactivity such as heighten the concentration level and give vitality. I really like how big it is and I already kinda know I will love touching it xD It’s also very popular, maybe because of its ascribed properties or maybe because it’s a very soft stone that can be carved a bit more easily, so you can see many selenite stones with engraving on them. I specifically decided against that, because I wanted to keep it as smooth as possible^^

Last but not least I will be getting an amethyst cluster^^ I got really interested in it because amethyst is actually my birthstone and these stones should connect very well with the user, thus working even better. Also, my favorite color is purple and I always wanted to have a raw stone cluster like this anyways xD They not only look very stunning but they can also be used to recharge other crystals with energy again. So what I gathered from my research is it’s always a good idea to have one of them around 😉 Amethysts themselves are said to be is said to have very calming energy as well, which is why many people sleep with it near their beds and it’s also said to reduce anxiety.
Those are all the crystals I will be getting hopefully soon and I am looking forward to them very much. Even though I am not really sure if they will really help me mentally or physically in any way, I try to keep an open mind. And to be honest, knowing that I will be having them in my apartment soon and being able to look at them and fiddle around with some already makes me happy. So I think I really can’t lose here 😉 If you are interested to know if they actually have worked or not, let me know and I might make a part two^^ Also tell me about your experiences with stones and crystals or questions that you might have about the topic. So feel free to leave a comment!
Greetings and good wishes
The Mad Hattress