The Next Step On My Crystal Journey – Scultupres And Crystal Carvings!
Welcome back to everyone who already read my last article, where I talked about how I started my crystal journey and hello to everyone who is new 😉 If anybody wants to refresh their memory or has just not read my other post, you can do so *here*. In this one, I want to tell you what happened since and also show you how my crystal collection grew, while mostly using pictures from the Etsy Shop where I got all of them. That’s because crystals are actually very hard to photograph if you don’t have the right set-up and I want to show all of them to you in their full beauty, but I will always link the shop and I highly recommend checking it out, if crystals are something you are interested in 😉 So, all rights for the pictures are reserved by the Etsy Shop Owner from MariMagicShop!
So, in my last post, I talked about how I was curious to see if those crystals actually have some kind of healing energy to them, which could help me balance my life a bit. To this, I have to say, that I probably don’t use them right at the moment. Because it’s not like you get those crystals and they will just give you the energy that you need, it’s actually connected to some effort you have to do to make them work. Mainly charging them with energy from like the sun and the moon or other crystals and also cleansing them with certain rituals like smoke and water. Most of these things I was not able to do in the last month because of different reasons, being my mental health and personal problems mostly. The only times where I really tried it out was when I charged my clear crystals with moonlight on the day when I got a new vaccination shot or the day before(Coincidentally both times there was a full moon, so that’s why I was tempted to try it out :P). I was hoping to not get any side effects from those shots and I have to say that I did not have any. But I don’t feel like I have done things like that often enough to actually be able to say: “Yes, that happened because of my charged crystals” xD This is why I will refrain from saying anything definitive at the moment, maybe you will hear more about it in a future update 😉
What I can tell you though, is that I got into a kind of sub-scene of crystals which is focussing on buying and selling crystal statues or crystal carvings. I am not 100% sure if those are the correct words in English but just for explanation: If I talk about sculptures I mean 360° fully sculpted stones and when I talk about carvings I mean stones that might be flat on one side, but have a cool carving on the other side. I actually got different ones within the last month and I really wanted to share them with you, because healing energy or not, they make me really happy 🙂

The first one I got right after Halloween, which I guess is pretty obvious because it’s a sculpture that’s made to look like a Halloween pumpkin wearing a witch’s hat^^ I felt it was very fitting to me and my personality since I love Halloween, which pumpkins are a universal sign for and as you know I also love hats(and would love to own one like that one day too xD). It’s made from a high-quality orange calcite crystal which is said to have some powerful cleansing energies but also helps speed up development and growth. Which is why I feel like it’s a great stone to have around and obviously the perfect choice colourwise for a pumpkin sculpture^^ I always have it around when I work and I especially love the way the had was done, it looks almost as it would have a life of it own 😉

The next crystal sculpture I got is an anatomically correct(supported by a friend of mine who is getting trained in a medical field :P) heart made out of silver sheen black obsidian, which looks absolutely stunning, doesn’t it? Like most black stones the obsidian stone stands for protection and also are said to help calm down, which is what I really need most of the time. It’s also the perfect size to squeeze in between my hands when I am feeling really anxious. And you know when some people like to say something needs to be as black as their soul? I kinda feel like that heart has the same vibes 😛 Kinda badass and powerful 😉

With this one, it’s less of a full sculpture and more a decorative piece made out of a crystal orb and a mystical deer holder. I actually got those on my birthday this year and maybe I just want to show them off xD That’s why I am taking them in, even though they might not 100% fit the theme of this post 😛 The deer is made out of wood and the orb is made out of a so-called honey calcite crystal, which looks great combined! The honey calcite is said to give more self-confidence, drive and perseverance in problem situations. The deer does not do anything special besides holding it in place, but it does that very well 😛 Together they are perfect to put next to my bed when sleeping to hopefully prepare me for the next stressful day or just put a smile on my face when I wake up to look at them^^

Here I’ve got the first “carving” which is portraying an owl holding a skull in a very stunning way. The carving is made out of labradorite which has been polished and shines in very nice colours under the right light. Labradorite is said to encourage creativity, spur imagination and strengthen memory. I got it to put next to the laptop or keyboard to help me be productive but also have something cool to look at while doing work and stuff xD Which make the fact that it has a flat back very useful actually! Looking forward to having it with me always^^
In the end, I have to say that I am pretty happy with everything that I got so far, it really brightens up my mood to look at my crystals, rearrange or just touch and feel them from time to time. At this point, I don’t care about the genuineness of the energy behind them, to be honest, but of course, should I become a believer someday, I will let you know 😉
Greetings and good wishes
The Mad Hattress